Our Adventure Is Nearing Its End And I'm Not Happy About It :(

Today marks a pretty big day in our trip. We all met up in the Somos Hermanos office for the last time to deliver our presentations on our respective research projects. We all spent yesterday in various cafes and locations working and working and working but after we all finished giving our presentations, I had a very bittersweet feeling deep in my stomach. I was pretty happy to have finally finished our presentation and to have gotten it over with, but that also meant that we were that much closer to the end of our time here in Guatemala :( Having dinner at Dr. Quinn's apartment afterwards was really nice because it was very relaxing and homey to have everyone together under one roof. But I'm really not ready to leave yet. I love so many aspects of our lives here that I really don't want to leave for another week or two at the least. But time keeps going on regardless, and while it's sad that we're running out of time, it has to happen. Tomorrow is going to be another bittersweet day for me. Personally, I'm not very good with goodbyes or leaving places that I've come to appreciate and love. So I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to hold up tomorrow. But I'm going to try my best to stay positive through it all. Now, I have to prepare my speech for tomorrow's graduation. Ugh. No quiero salir. -Scott